Red Wave Indoor – 2019

Red Wave Indoor warming up at WGI – San Bernardino (Finals)

RCC Indoor – 2019

RCC quads working a part at rehearsal.

Bakersfield City College – 2019

Bakersfield City College in the lot at WGI – San Bernardino (Prelims)

RCC Indoor – 2019

RCC rehearsing a part of their show.

Bakersfield City College – 2019

Bakersfield City College at WGI San Bernardino (Prelims)

POW Percussion – 2019

POW Percussion warming up at WGI – San Bernardino (Prelims)

RCC Indoor – 2019

RCC Indoor at WGI – San Bernardino (Finals)

RCC Indoor – 2019

RCC Indoor in the lot at WGI – San Bernardino (Finals)

2019 Dark Sky Percussion Full Ensemble WGI West

2019 Dark Sky Percussion playing their show music in the lot of the WGI West regional in San Bernardino, California.

2019 POW Percussion Finals Lot WGI West

2019 POW Percussion playing their show music in the lot of the WGI West regional in San Bernardino, California.

2019 RCC Full Ensemble WGI West

2019 RCC playing their show music in the lot of the WGI West regional in San Bernardino, California.

2019 Pulse Percussion Snare Feature WGI West

2019 Pulse Percussion Snares playing their quad features in the lot of the WGI West regional in San Bernardino, California.