Rhythmic Force 2022 – Battery Music

The Rhythmic Force battery playing through their book at WGI – Semifinals on 04/22/22

Thesis Indoor Percussion 2023 – Warm Up

Thesis warming up at Finals for WGI – Long Beach

Chino Hills HS 2023 – Warm Up

Chino Hills HS warming up at WGI – Long Beach Prelims

VIP 2022 – ‘Orgin’ (Snare Cam/Cameron Scott Cavender)

VIP snare drummer Cameron Scott Cavender GoPro camera at WGI – Finals

2022 RCC Quad break at SCPA Arcadia HS 2-5-2022

@RCC Indoor Percussion quad break at SCPA Arcadia. 2-5-2022 Follow @DrumlineAV for more great drumline content! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @DrumlineAV. Let us know how much you like the new Ludwig Musser drums!

RCC Fall Drumline 2021 – 10/30 Big Orange Classic – Warm Ups

The RCC Marching Tigers battery goes through their warm up sequence before the CSBC Big Orange Classic at Ramona HS

Instinct Percussion – 2022 (Warm Up)

Instinct Percussion warming up at WGI – San Bernardino on 03/27/22

POW Percussion 2022 – Show Beats

POW playing through their book at their preview show on 01/30/22

Arcadia HS (PSW) Percussion Ensemble 2022 – Full Run – 2/5 SCPA Arcadia

The Arcadia HS World Class Percussion Ensemble does a full run of their 2022 program “Miss you too” before the SCPA show 2/5/22 at Arcadia HS

Meraki Percussion 2022 – Warm Up

Meraki warming up at WGI – San Bernardino

Broken City Percussion 2022 – WGI Finals Warm Up

BCP warming up at WGI Finals on 04/23/22 0:00 – Cold Hands 2:21 – Neganacht 5:29 – Moeller Modulations 7:45 – DDL2 9:54 – SSL2 12:02 – 9r 13:44 – Flee.1 15:45 – Vortex

Atlanta Quest 2022 – Prelims Warm Up

AQ warming up at WGI – Prelims on 04/21/22