United Percussion 2022 – Bass Subs

UP Bass in subs at WGI – Semifinals on 04/22/22

Boston Crusaders Drumline 2021 – DCI Semis – Warm Ups

The Boston Crusaders battery goes through their warm up sequence including Spanks and Red’s Rhumba before DCI Semis 8/13/21

Monarch 2023 – Front Ensemble + GoPro (Snare Cam)

From the Finals lot at WGI Katy, TX – 03/04/23

Bluecoats Drumline 2021 – DCI Finals – Rehearsal Warm Ups

The Bluecoats battery goes through an abbreviated warm up sequence at DCI Finals Day rehearsal including a rare drum solo by Roger.

Crossmen Drumline 2021 – DCI Prelims – Warm Ups

The Crossmen battery goes through their warm up sequence before DCI Prelims 8/12/21

Rhythmic Force 2022 – Production Run (Multicam)

Rhythmic Force at WGI – Semifinals on 04/22/22

SCV Drumline – 2018 (3)

SCV ensemble run of ballad and closer of show at RCC.