Reading Buccaneers 8.27.2016 Full Battery – Blob Form Warmup

The Reading Buccaneers Battery playing through their warmups in the blob form. Ripped from our livestream broadcast.

Bluecoats 2018 Battery – Tour Premier Lot

The Bloo Bangers playing through their show music taking home first at the DCI Tour Premier! Ripped from our LotHypeTV broadcast!

2017 Bluecoats Blooper

2017 Bluecoats Blooper in the lot at the DCI World Championships in Indianapolis, IN. Link to the full lot video courtesy of Innovative Percussion.

DCA 2017 – Cadets2 Battery End of Season Lot

Ripped from our livestream coverage! For more info visit our facebook!

Madison Scouts 2017 Drumline DCI East (Multicam)

Ripped from our live broadcasts! Follow us on facebook so you don’t miss the next one!

Reading Buccaneers 8.27.2016 Battery – Show Music #2

The Reading Buccaneers drumline playing through some show music. Ripped from our livestream broadcast. Livestream – Crossmen Lot #1

Cut from our live stream footage of DCI Allentown June 30th, 2016. Follow us on facebook or twitter for the latest DCI 2016 videos, and live streams from the lot! Tweets by LotHype

2014 Crossmen Semi Finals HD

2014 Crossmen Drumline warming up in the Semi-Finals Lot at the DCI World Championships in Indianapolis, Indiana.

The Cadets 2018 – Snare Drum Feature

You ever wonder of DCI lines actually breakdown and clean those ridiculous split parts? Check out behind the curtain with the Cadets 2018 snare drums as they work through a tough part of their feature!

Reading Buccaneers 8.27.2016 Battery – Show Music Tracking (1 of 2)

The Reading Buccaneers Drumline playing through some show music in their tracking block. Ripped from our live broadcast. Livestream – Crossmen Lot #2 (On The Move)

Cut from out live stream footage of DCI Allentown June 30th, 2016. Follow us on facebook and twitter for the latest DCI 2016 videos and live stream events! Tweets by LotHype