Reading Buccaneers 8.27.2016 Full Battery – Triplet Rolls

The Reading Buccaneers drumline playing through their triplet rolls exercise. Ripped from our livestream broadcast.

Reading Buccaneers 2016 Drumline – Encore Show Music #1

The Reading Buccaneers battery playing through some show music during their encore! Video courtesy of Ken Kerr Photography!

Reading Buccaneers Drumline 2018 – Show Music

Ripped from out live LotHypeTV coverage! The Reading Buccaneers battery plays through show music at their first home show! For the full broadcast visit:

Reading Buccaneers 8.27.2016 Full Battery – Paradiddles

The Reading Buccaneers Drumline playing through their Paradiddles exercise. Ripped from our livestream broadcast.