2022 Dark Sky Percussion Warm Ups SCPA Rancho Cucamonga 2-12-2022

2022 Dark Sky Percussion warming up in the lot at the SCPA Rancho Cucamonga Show on February 12th, 2022. This crew is going to be very exciting this year! The warmups sounded great and they have a ton of potential this year. Can’t wait to see what they’re able to do in the next couple of months. Also, those Pearl drums and Innovative Percussion sticks and mallets sound incredible together! It’s refreshing to hear some Pearl Drums after so many Yamaha and Ludwig groups out here on the west coast. Nothing against those other companies but my personal preference is Pearl all the way!

Are you excited to see Dark Sky Percussion this year? Leave a comment below! And stay tuned to DrumlineAV for more exclusive content all season long!

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