If anyone is bold enough to learn THE HARDEST TENOR FEATURE OF 2018, please share the video with me! I’d love to see some people play this one. Sheet music: https://ibb.co/n8XOee
Merch – https://www.redbubble.com/people/emcproductions
My Website – https://emcproductions.org
Insta – https://www.instagram.com/underwatrdrummr
Twitter – https://twitter.com/emcdrums
You need to get the Marines to help you do the most bang’N tenor feature ever with real c4, m4s, and other explosives. Come on, Uncle Sam!
I’m a junior in high school; and this is my first year marching tenors. I’ve now decided that I’m not going to stop practicing until I can play this, even if it takes me years.
the 4-way split literally just sounds like a buzz