Show Synopsis: The Cavaliers 1995 – The Planets

Ripped from the live bracket finale, Drum Speak dyes their tips blonde and dives back into the 90s with a look at the infamous Cavaliers 1995 production, “The Planets”!

EDIT: The Cavaliers did not actually win all captions this year. We’ll go yell at Drum Speak right now for you, don’t worry.

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  1. They won every caption finals night, (including their brilliant guard) except brass. This show is a masterpiece.

  2. Awesome show I remember seeing live. Definitely a Staple for hs marching bands but but unfortunately Chesterton IN marching Trojans used the planets back in 1984 which was very innovative back then.

  3. The ending of their show was RID IK UL OUS!!!! They were perhaps the last Cavvy/DCI line to march their snares so close together. I owe much of my entire love of Drum Corps to that show! I went to sleep at night (EVERY) imagining myself going through that kind of hardcorps bootcamp with a magic line and experiencing what it’s like to march one of the number one batteries in the world from season start to season end. Then I joined a Drum Corps… and it was 50 times harder. Fact. I experienced some of the last of the “mean” days of old school DCI. I could throw down 200 pushups all at the same speed without increasing my heart rate but a flicker, and then “PICK UP THE DRUMS!” (yelled Sam) and march 186 bpm and get yelled at anyway for being slightly imperfect. Meaning more shups! F-TROOP!!!

  4. Lol at 2:21 you’ll hear a similar phrase as that of Carolina Crown’s 2014 show near the end of their first movement. Just thought that was cool, especially with them both being space shows.


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